It’s never too late for transformation!

Never, in a million years, did I think I would become an entrepreneur, I really thought…I’m old now, that ship has sailed. But here I am!

I guess you could say that a few years ago, my life turned upside down. I lost both of my parents in under two years, we became empty nesters, we moved back to my home town after 27 years in Seattle, my husband was diagnosed with a rare terminal blood cancer, a global pandemic happened and one of my children had a severe crisis…all of this led me to a place where I wasn’t afraid to take a leap! I wasn’t afraid to make a mistake or to NOT be perfect. (Besides who on this planet is perfect?!) I wasn’t afraid to stop living a life that no longer made me happy or to wait for the perfect timing. I realized that life is so, so short and we just don’t have a lot of time here, so WHY NOT live a full, happy, healthy, productive life.

Well, I did it! But I didn’t do it all at once. Ever heard that saying, “How do you eat an elephant?...One bite at a time!” I discovered an eating philosophy that changed my eating habits and allowed me to lose 27 pounds. That confidence allowed me to take the leap and go back to school. I got my Health Coaching certification and that gave me the confidence to think about starting my own business. So, what happened next? I quit my job and decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. It created a bit of a panic and a sense of urgency to go out and do it. I finally figured out that the fear that was holding me back wasn’t so scary anymore given everything that had happened in 2020.  I decided that happiness was more important and helping others was my passion. I finally realized that I had been working my butt off for others, why couldn’t I work my butt off for me?

It wasn’t a purposeful journey; it was more messy, more organic. Each step in my transformation allowed me to become who I was supposed to be. I listened and I learned and I leaped. Was it pretty? Not always! Was it scary? Hell, yes it was! But was it worth it? Oh my gosh, YES! I get the privilege to wake up every day and know that my work helps others. I get to do work that is meaningful and that I care about passionately. Do I have anxieties and concerns? Sometimes, when I get in my head and I think what the heck am I doing? It’s my employee/paycheck mentality that tries to sabotage me. But I quickly remember how unfulfilled I was in my life and I know I am doing what is right for me.

It’s never too late to make a transformation. It can be a little at a time and that’s okay! I hope this encourages you, that once you get the ball rolling, things just start to happen. It really doesn’t take much and all you have to do is feed it. Change a habit, read a book, do some meditation or journaling. At 56, I went back to school and started a business. If I can do it (and I am a chicken sh@#!), anyone can. I believe in you!


Lessons learned from a half marathon


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